Kolpinghaus Wien-Alsergrund

Live and study in the heart of Vienna.


Managing Director

Markus Schweiger
Althanstr. 51
A-1090 Vienna
Tel.: +43 1 317 83 42
Email: info@kolping-alsergrund.at

Media owner and publisher of the website kolping.at in accordance with §§ 24, 25 of the Austrian Media Act (Mediengesetz):

Kolpingsfamilie Wien-Alsergrund
Althanstr. 51
A-1090 Vienna
Tel.: +43 1 317 83 42
Email: info@kolping-alsergrund.at

Legal form:
Nonprofit association

ZVR No.:

Association Chairman:
Robert Notsch

Vienna Commercial Court

Business purpose:
Social services

Programming and implementation

Photo credits:
Copyright Share Architects
Room by ibrandify from NounProject.com
Question Mark by Icon Solutions from NounProject.com

Please observe our privacy statement and disclaimer.

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